
Reiki, pronounced Ray-key, is a Japanese technique of stress reduction and relaxation. It involves the art of a gentle laying on of hands on specific centers of the body to induce relaxation, reduce stress and promote healing.


A reiki session is one hour long and is administered fully clothed, lying on a treatment table, with light touch. During this time, you may feel heat sensations, tingling, twitching of limbs as you go deeper and deeper into states of relaxation. Mostly, individuals fall asleep and wake up feeling lighter and deeply relaxed.

WELCOME TO serenity soul


Reiki is derived from two Japanese words, Rei meaning spiritual and Ki meaning Life Force Energy. Reiki stimulates the life force energy within an individual, removing blocks and restoring balance with the practitioner as a conduit via whom this energy flows.

Stress has been linked to dis-ease within the body and has been known to create havoc in its systems, adversely affecting a person physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Reiki permeates to all levels of one’s experience of being that is, mind, body and spirit and helps heal holistically. It is important to remember that reiki is not a religious practice nor is it a substitute for allopathic medical treatments.


Years of Experience

Rohit Lata Lal is a Reiki Master/Practitioner has over 15 years of Reiki experience


Our Latest Services

A reiki session is one hour long and is administered fully clothed, lying on a treatment table, with light touch.

Silver Package

$260 / Four Reiki Sessions

Savings of

Includes: Complimentary Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl and Chimes. A value of $20

  • Numerology, A value of $40
  • Complimentary Aroma Therapy from Sage Essential Oils

Gold Package

$520/ Eight Reiki Sessions

Savings of

Includes: Complimentary Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl and Chimes. A value of $20.
  • Numerology, A value of $40
  • Brazilian Toe Energy Healing, A value of $15
  • Complimentary Aroma Therapy from Sage Essential Oils

Platinum Package

$650 / Ten Reiki Sessions

Savings of

Includes: Complimentary Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl and Chimes, A value of $20
  • Brazilian Toe Energy Healing, A value of $15
  • Two Guided Visualizations for Healing
  • Waterfall Visualization and Sunlight Visualization, A value of $80
  • Complimentary Aroma Therapy from Sage Essential Oils

process of healing

My Writings

Tale of a Tall Grass Fall

A friend I made recently, cajoled me to go for a bike ride on a scenic trail near the Fraser River, in South East Vancouver, where people come for walks with their family, friends and dogs. The bike trail is set between a field and trees which overlook the Fraser River for some miles.

It had been six years since I had been on my bike which I purchased in Edmonton, Alberta and used it only a few times. Since moving to Vancouver, my bike had been sitting in storage, collecting dust. I was seriously considering selling it until I chanced upon an adventurous woman named, Debbie, who would push my limits and take me out of my comfort zone – just what a homebody like me needed.


Picture this! Against an ebony table, lies a blank white page. It calls to the inner-most Spirit. You pause, and set your sights on a box of crayons resting next to it. Deciding to be wild and spontaneous, you pull up a seat, open the box, and start selecting a few of your favorites. You make waves with a blend of aqua-green and turquoise as the sound of the soothing water lapping over the broad, brown shoreline fills your ears. Soon the crimson sun peering over the ocean begins to reveal itself to you, and the birds flying in a V-Formation in the distant, orange sky arrest your attention. Before you know it, you have created art, an authentic expression of you.
This is an example of one form of art.

Letting Go

Ever since I was a child, I have had an affinity for birds. I remember thinking… In my next life, I want to be a bird. It is no wonder that I had an experience with a wild bird in a home I was renting in Vancouver. I had opened the back door and a startled brown bird flew inside and headed for the kitchen window. It tried to fly out but alas! the window could not be opened.
Each time the bird crashed against the glass in its repeated attempts to fly out, my heart wrenched. I felt myself being in the position of God and the bird was my child. I understood how God must feel when he sees his child crashing against blockades in life.
I wanted the bird to stop flying so I could offer my help. Finally fatigued, the bird slowed down and stopped, as it leaned against the window.

Where The Spirit Dwells

To surrender to the moment is to surrender to the Divinity within. It is to be one with the universe and All-That-Is.

To live in the here and now, is to be led by the spirit. For it is here that the spirit dwells, and only here, can it’s voice be heard.

To surrender means to relinquish your ego, the imposter self, the source of all problems. Surrendering therefore, is not weakness, it is infinite power.

Work Of Heart

In the spring of 2011, I started work as a Building Maintenance Worker at an eighteen story residential building in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. The condo is situated in a trendy part of town and is sandwiched between a health-conscious restaurant and a posh hair design school.
Ever since the day I started the tenants have been impressed with my work and a few have even expressed their observations to me.
“You do an awesome job!”Jaqueline exclaimed. “There is a noticeable difference from the lady who was here before you. And we thought, she was good,” Jaqueline added, as she swung out the entrance door.

Wild And Free

I have had four wild bird experiences to date with the common motif of rescuing them or freeing them from enclosed spaces.
The very first wild bird experience occurred when I was renting a place in Vancouver in 2010. I was cleaning the kitchen and opened the door just a little, to let in some fresh air. The kitchen has one big window that overlooks the back yard and another smaller window above the sink.
As I opened the door, a startled bird sitting atop, flew into the kitchen and headed straight to the grilled window over the kitchen sink.

Canada Bound

“Mr. Aziz wants to see you in class tomorrow morning, Rohini. There is something important he wants to discuss with you,” Chanda informed proudly. She was a sweet faced, sweet natured and kind hearted girl, with round, light brown eyes. Chanda was my best friend in the entire school and she was especially selected to deliver this message to me after school.
As I soaked in her words, my attention settled on the vibrant hibiscuses behind her which were swaying gently in the light breeze. I took a deep breath to capture every drop of the subtle, sweet hibiscus scent while the sun was smiling down on me.

The Office Of Our Mind

Framed paintings plucked from once where walls stood. The hallway of our memories made bare. Partitions part ways.
Cubicles crumble. Compartments collapse. Divisions dissolve. Borders become invisible.
Office space is recreated to only SPACE Renovation removes blinders from my Eyes. Consciousness emerges like a Butterfly from its cocoon.
Ready to take flight in the vast, blue sky of WIDE OPEN SPACE No limitations. No confinement. No separation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help individuals connect to their authentic self via reiki’s unconditional love and support, allowing them to completely and utterly be who they are. It is my passion and commitment to hold each person in utmost high regard and envision them as an already whole person and divine being, shining radiantly. By doing so, it is my intention to create a shift in consciousness within clients for I feel, it is only through the alignment of one’s true and essential self with mind, body and spirit, can one holistically heal. My role as a reiki practitioner is to provide a sacred space, gentle guidance, consistent empowerment and expansion of awareness for individuals in their process of healing.


Our Client Reviews

Our clients’ success is our greatest achievement. Here’s what they have to say.


I have not had experience with Reiki personally prior to booking a session with Rohit. A session that I booked for my dog. My French Bulldog Hippo was diagnosed with a brain tumour and while it was not painful, I decide to do whatever I could to provide him with some peace and stress release. Going into it, I was not attached to any particular outcome, hoping, however, to find some emotional release for him and maybe for me in a certain way.
Rohit work felt very gentle and kind. Hippo was comfortable and at peace during each session Rohit truly listened and together we worked out the focus of healing. Not sure what and how and why (and happy to say, I don’t need to know!), but after each session, the very next day Hippo felt lighter, unburdened, and in the flow. Thank you so much!
I believe wholeheartedly in mind-body connection. That being said, I think of myself as a skeptic and try to “keep it real”.


I have done my first reiki session with Rohiti and I loved it. It was a wonderful experience. I felt very relaxing. Rohiti is a gud reiki master and as a person very caring, loving, and very sweet. I highly recommend ✨


I’ve taken a reiki healing session with Rohit on a day that I was feeling completely exhausted to the point of sickness. I had a very nasty headache as well. Rohit’s reiki brought me immense relief. She has a gentle touch but firm hands, exactly as it should be.

I believe reiki as a practice needs the giver and receiver to be right into each other’s personal zone. So it is important that the reiki giver has a calm mind and the genuineness to transmit the right and positive energy to you. She does and I can wholeheartedly vouch for that. I totally recommend her as a very superior Reiki practitioner and one you must try.


My name is Naziya. I highly recommend Reiki for healing. The treatment I got from Rohit was a hands -on body treatment that left me feeling relaxed, uplifted and renewed
Reiki heals you on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to your health, inner energy and every day life.
Rohit is a natural born healer. Her hands are filled with healing vibration. A session with her is a powerful experience of stress relief and transformation.


Rohit is an exceptional reiki practitioner. I’ve tried a naturopath, acupuncturist and massage therapist, I find reiki the most useful. I received reiki for physical ailments, once in-person, another time remotely. Before the in-person session started, Rohit’s hands were cold but soon into the session they became hot. During the session, I felt awake yet in a deep resting state and after the session I felt an energetic shift, almost like a boost to my vibrational energy. Rohit is the real deal, no false pretenses and truly able to administer reiki.


Rohit is a natural and gifted healer! My Reiki session with her was relaxing and enjoyable. Her touch is gentle yet firm enough to feel its effect. Her voice and and manner are calming and wise. I experienced a feeling of overall peace of mind, spirit and body which is rare to find in this hectic world. Definitely worth doing!!


“You are the best person alive. No coincidence I needed this today and I am currently crying. This is everything.
It is unreal how accurate it is. Even down to the year breakdown so far. Rohit legit described my experiences, outlook and feelings without ever meeting me. I am in awe.

(C.P) Numerology

I really enjoyed my 60 minute Reiki session with Rohit, who made me feel completely safe and comfortable throughout the entire session.
Rohit was knowledgable, attentive and well prepared. I really appreciated that she took time to understand my needs and requests thoroughly. I entered the session with a chaotic mind, but I left feeling calm and relaxed.

Thank you Rohit for this wonderful experience.
I highly recommend Rohit to anyone that’s looking for Reiki healing or simply curious about energy and spirituality, it’s definitely worthwhile!


Rohit is a phenomenal Reiki Practitioner. I was having severe menstrual pain and received reiki from Rohit.
When Rohit laid her hands just below my navel, I felt intense heat from her hands as if there were an electric blanket on me. Then, when Rohit moved her hands to my pelvic area, strangely, I felt as though her hands were still on the former position though I knew she had physically moved.

Rohit explained that this is called Phantom Hands and is extremely rare with both Reiki Practitioners and clients’ experiences.
In the end, my energy felt ten times lighter and the pain vanished.

I feel blessed to have received reiki from Rohit.


I have had a few sessions and I have to say that it was an amazing experience. From my first session I can say I was all over the place and by the last session I had with her, my mind, my body were calm, felt peace and I was smiling and seeing things so differently. Rohit is so kind, professional, and you can tell she is doing this with good intention. I can truly understand why I was drawn to her, she was exactly what I needed.
I am looking forward to future sessions.


Amazing experience. Rohit is so calm and experienced and she is expert in her work. I can literally feel the change in myself from the first session only. I have started feeling more relaxed. Basically, I am healing every day. Thank you so much for your amazing sessions, Rohit.

( A. B.)

Thank you very much Rohit, I have felt exactly what you have noted down, in the exact sequence. at the last portion of the session, I felt the energy on my third eye struggling to sustain, but somehow it went up to my crown chakra momentarily. I saw visualizations of Jesus healing people, and felt my destination aligning back to where it should head to. I haven’t had this strong of spiritual energy in a while, and when my heart chakra was growing in spiral, it reminded me of when my mentor “activated” my heart by hovering his hand above my chest.
I am thankful to have met such great spiritual master and I hope to chat more on the topic of enlightenment. I was always interested in Reiki, and you showed me what it really is about.
Thank you again Rohit, and I hope to learn more.

(J. C.)

I had my first menstrual period since starting reiki with Rohit and I had absolutely no pain. My cramps were horrible before. I have made no changes to my lifestyle since, besides reiki and I truly believe that is the reasoning. Thank you so so much!!

(H. C.)

I had a wonderful experience during my reiki sessions with Rohit. I felt very calm and energetic after each session.
The practitioner is very caring and sweet. I had reiki sessions before with other practitioners but, comparatively my sessions with Rohit were phenomenal.


I have started my journey with Rohit this year upon hearing wonderful recommendations! I am truly happy with the outcome and how I have been feeling thus far and Rohit also does an excellent job in making sure each individual feels more empowered and guiding them throughout their journey! Rohit makes the session a very open and safe space where one can feel comfortable and also does a phenomenal job in explaining everything and going into depths of any questions an individual may have!


After my long flight, jet lag and dislocated my shoulder, I had a Reiki with Rohit. I was healed from the blockages, imbalances and my shoulder pain instantly. I could move my shoulder right away and am back to normal. Please get a Reiki session with Rohit and you can see your symptoms improve or even go away immediately.


I had been suffering from gout for months and was in terrible pain with swollen index and middle right hand fingers.
I took prescription medication however, it didn’t seem to be effective in bringing the swelling nor pain down, too much.
On Good Friday, Rohit gave me a 45 minute session of Reiki specifically over my gout- affected fingers and I could feel as if a breeze was going through them. I felt relaxed and calm throughout the session.
After the session, I noticed I could flex my fingers more without pain.
Moreover, that night I slept like a baby where as most nights I have struggled to sleep.
I would say confidently that over the next few days my pain levels were 80% declined.

(Satish C.)


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The positive impact that one feels as a result of having Reiki needs to be experienced and only through that experience can it be understood.